Pulling 15-18 Hour Days

Catching up from my week in clinic for 1st week of April, I’m pulling 15 hours days… easy. Probably… more like 16-18 since I work throughout the day in such frequency. Then, into the night.

Plus, I’m grinding out this content package… The DPT Career Primer.


It’s going to around or over 6 hours of career acceleration content that you can’t get ANYWHERE else — especially not for new grad Doctors of Physical Therapy.

My eyes are shot. I’m not eating as healthy as I’d like. I’m super stressed. And, I’m still quite happy 🙂

After all, my son like to say “Hi.” when playing in the dark…

That voice!!!! #cantevenhandleit #toocute #lifewithatoddler #toddlerlife #toddler #dadblogger #dadblog #parenting

A video posted by Ben Fung (aka @DrBenFung) (@daddyintheraw) on

It’s life. And, I love it!

In random bad news, I busted up my thumb in BJJ last week. It hurts… bad. The good news, Nathan LOVEs wearing my “gi” and calls it a “cape.” HAHA!

I suppose no matter how busy things get, no matter how much sleep I lose, I’m just so very happy to be able to wake up to this family and spend so many waking hours with them… at home.

Their Daddy In The Raw.