Reviews & Sponsored Posts
I love writing, blabbing, sharing, and reviews. And, as no stranger to reviews and sponsored posts, I feel that it is high time for us to share thoughts on a daddy’s perspective on products, services, and experiences — those unifying and unique to the parent’s eye. In all cases, I’ll make it very clear which blog posts are reviews and which ones are sponsored posts. And, regardless of the impression, I’ll always deliver an honest remark — to this you can rest assured.
If you’re interested in a sponsored post or having your product reviewed, please feel warmly welcome to email me via the Contact page.
Now, about them links.
Yes, I am integrating this blog with links via Amazon Associates. Why? Well, I feel that sometimes, fellow parents just need to see that another parent has used something successfully (or in utter failure) to help in purchasing decisions, in lengths and depths beyond what you can find in a website review. This is also one of the ways I am bringing home the bacon. So, if you click on any Amazon product link and purchase, you’re helping my family by keeping me as a Work At Home Dad. Thank you! 🙂