Thanks to COVID-19, we’ve all had a lot more time to… think. At least, that’s the case if you’ve been living in a “shelter in place” / don’t leave home situation — thinking is the one thing you’ve probably had too much time for. That said, I wrote this list before the outbreak… and, today’s post is really more of just that: A list of short thoughts.
They Were Wrong About…
1. Pens vs. Pencils
“When you grow up, adults use pens… not pencils.” WRONG… And, NEITHER. The most common way we write… is with our fingers… in the sand — I mean, on a screen.

2. “When you grow up, you won’t be carrying a calculator everywhere you go.”

3. “Video games will melt your brain.”
Playing Video Games Really Does Make You Smarter, Study Finds. Not to mention, most of our learning software and e-learning platforms are essentially video game platforms in their own way… they may not exactly look like a real time strategy game or a scrolling game like Super Mario — but, it IS a digital interface with rules, goals, and aims.
The thing is, you aren’t going for coins or points — your gaming for grades and degrees.
4. Cartoons Distort Your Sense of Reality.
There are waaaay too many examples — but, I have to say that productions in the 90s were WAY ahead of their time. My example of the day: X-Men, with great social lessons on discrimination, women in leadership; “different yet same” as with the character Master Mold, stating that there are humans that hate mutants — this is an oxymoron as mutants ARE human.
“So often in our history, unhappy misguided people have created scapes goats — blaming those that are different for the problems in their own lives.
Professor X, X-Men The Animated Series
Wow… right???
5. Sci-Fi is Pure Fantasy.
First off… in Star Trek, everything became real or is becoming real… and, very likely will otherwise be as such in due time… mostly. Maybe not Q… maybe? Who knows! But, here’s something for consideration:
ALSO: The Next Generation (TNG), Deep Space Nine (DS9) and Voyager also had some of the best “early” examples of inclusivity; strong female characters, women in leadership/career paths, diversity driven story arcs, females in story arcs that don’t necessarily involve a romantic interest, etc.
So yeah… They were wrong 😉
Just because something worked for one generation doesn’t mean that such success will transplant across to the next.