Joy And Sadness

So, as you can imagine, the 1st week away from home… working in clinic full time (for just that week) was rather “life changing” for my family. Rather, it was changing in terms of the fact that my being gone shuffled EVERYTHING around. And, it accentuated certain parenting patterns.

During one our play times last week, I realized from tussling with him along with a reaffirming conversation with my wife… that I am truly Joy & Sadness to my boy.

Whenever I get a chance, I try to play and be as happy as possible. So, whenever I’m stern… it MEANS something. My wife takes the brunt of the disciplinary presence… remorse comes from me… she get’s anger and resentment from our son.


I suppose that’s just how it kind of “is.” It’s a bit emotionally tragic as Nathan basically gets the “best” and “worst” emotions from me. It’s a huge responsibility. When I rebuke him, it basically shatters his soul. But, if I don’t, then we reinforce bad behaviors. For the moment, I guess this is how things are going to go down. Hopefully… it’s just a phase & these toddler emotions will even out.

Until then… I remain yours, emotionally dynamic…


About Precious Moments

It’s easy to want kids to grow up fast.

ESPECIALLY, when they are toddlers. Yes, they are ridiculously cute at this stage. They are talking… and, talking back. They are walking… and, running away from you into dangerous traffic. They are eating… and, determined to paint the house with dinner. And, they LOVE the word “No!”

Take last night for example: Last night, we didn’t sleep… until it was already “tomorrow.” The time change screwed up our boy… and, it was a ROUGH night. It’s easy in times like this to just wish the kid would GROW UP!

Yet, I’d offer to say this is rather the wrong mindset.We need to ENJOY this little window time we have for precious moments… like these!

Nathan SMASHING his face into me… which he still does. And, I know one sad day… it’ll stop.


Or… Nathan getting so happy from playing his favorite game of knocking down blocks… he get’s sad.



He WAS angry. Then, became happy. #toddlerlife #lifewithatoddler #DaddyInTheRaw #DadBlog #dadblogger #workathomedad #stayathomedad #toddler

A photo posted by Ben Fung (aka @DrBenFung) (@daddyintheraw) on

I guess the point is this: Life only comes around once. And, you don’t get to rewind the tape and get that time back. Enjoy it! Enjoy (as best you can) those melt downs. Enjoy the emotional weirdness that is toddler life. These are precious moments.

These are the moments I quit an accelerated corporate career for. These are the moments I quit a $6-Figure job for. THESE are the moment I completely derailed the direction in my life… so, that I could be a better father.


As a Physical Therapist, child development in terms of physical health and muscle movement comes very naturally to my clinical eye.

W-sitting scares the crap out of me.

From the perspectives of joint positioning and stress forces: It’s the equivalent of a reverse heel hook in BJJ… the worst of the leg locks in terms of destructive power to the knee and ankle joints.

While I hate seeing W-Sitting, I know it’s not the WORST thing in the world. At the same time, it’s one of those things where healthcare providers are taught to LOOK OUT FOR!

Here’s one perspective:

If You Ever See Your Kids Sitting Like This, Be Sure To Stop Them. This Is Why…

And yet, here’s another perspective from one of my favorite pediatric PTs. So… maybe it’s a problem. Maybe it isn’t so bad. So long as it doesn’t cause HARM… then, we’re okay.

My final take on the matter is this: If you can get your kid to stop it, do it. If they seem hell bent on w-sitting, it may be worth to have them checked out — and, after — if there really isn’t any red flags, it may not be worth a battle royale for… just so long as it doesn’t last too long. For this, my guess is that your parenting instincts will take over.

If anything, I’ve seen my kiddos cousins, playmates, and even other children in the playground up to age 7, 8, and 9 demonstrate W-Sitting. None of theme seem to have self destructed or demonstrated developmental issues.

So, again, just so long as no harm is done & your parental instincts aren’t waving red flags… your kiddo should be fine.

Also, remember my thoughts on seeking a professional eye??? Boom.

An Apple A Day… In Bed

One of the funnier things Nathan likes to do is finding his “toy of the day” and bringing that back to bed with him. While this was originally a TBT post, the behavior remains true.

Yes, waaaaay back when, he decided that he loved apples. In fact, at the time, he loved apples so much, he’d bring them in bed for nap times. Just once? No… no, no. Many times. And, he’ll stash them, too! We’ll wake up next to a juicy apple. Our poor bed 🙁

The good news is that he loves fruit. The bad news is, he’s still a total sneak!

Common is the day that I’ll be cleaning up toys and what not, only to find some hidden chunk of apple he decided to bank away between his toys and stuffed animals.


Still, the good news is that he never fixates on just ONE thing for a long time. Typically, it’s some toy or object of the day.

Yesterday, we were shopping, and all he wanted was “the paper.” The paper, being, the card stock postcard ad for us to change our internet subscription. But, it DID have one of his favorite Pixar movies stamped across the top so… I get it 😉

Either way, my thoughts simply go to feeling thankful. I’m thankful he doesn’t fixate on just ONE toy forever. I’m thankful he loves to eat heathlyish foods. I’m thankful that he has the preloaded habit for saving things away for later… let’s just hope that doesn’t turn into hoarding -_-

I’m thankful, that while catching up on these blog posts through March, going into April, I get to reboot everything and realize the tremendous blessing my family has experienced through this work-at-home experience.

I wouldn’t give it up for the world. And, I intend on doing this — or — something like this, for as long as I can!