A Year Out Of School, Again

So, it’s been a year… nearly to the day, that I graduated. Again. LOL!

What has happened? Well… EVERYTHING.

Graduating with my MBA to tag onto my other graduate degree, the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree… I sought to re-enter the world of healthcare at the business/operations beat of the realm. I was only to find that everyone and their neighbor’s uncle’s friend’s cousin’s roommate’s bartender wanted me to do what???

Return as a Director of Rehab.


I mean, if I wanted to be that, I would stayed that. I wanted to DO SO MUCH MORE. I wanted to be around my family more. I wanted to effect change at greater scales. I didn’t want to go back to where I started… it was ridiculous.

Well… as things turned out, I joined a startup company (as you know)… UpDoc Media!

Things are going well. We’ve been growing steadily, quickly, and things are getting very exciting. I’m hoping to be able to share things later on as the dust settles.

Before things got good… well, I basically applied to every corporate job imaginable, in the scope of non-clinical management. Annnnnnnnnd…. #Bust. Yup. No one wanted me. They wanted me to do my old job. #Irony

I also continued my work to be a big advocate for students and developing professionals. Personally, this is a huge driving factor — setting up the future generations for success. I just love it.

All to say, looking back at how I got here, I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s been nearly 2 years since I’ve been a work at home dad, full time. A year since I’ve graduated with the MBA. And, 6 months since my company launched. Things are happening!


Pulling 15-18 Hour Days

Catching up from my week in clinic for 1st week of April, I’m pulling 15 hours days… easy. Probably… more like 16-18 since I work throughout the day in such frequency. Then, into the night.

Plus, I’m grinding out this content package… The DPT Career Primer.


It’s going to around or over 6 hours of career acceleration content that you can’t get ANYWHERE else — especially not for new grad Doctors of Physical Therapy.

My eyes are shot. I’m not eating as healthy as I’d like. I’m super stressed. And, I’m still quite happy 🙂

After all, my son like to say “Hi.” when playing in the dark…

That voice!!!! #cantevenhandleit #toocute #lifewithatoddler #toddlerlife #toddler #dadblogger #dadblog #parenting

A video posted by Ben Fung (aka @DrBenFung) (@daddyintheraw) on

It’s life. And, I love it!

In random bad news, I busted up my thumb in BJJ last week. It hurts… bad. The good news, Nathan LOVEs wearing my “gi” and calls it a “cape.” HAHA!

I suppose no matter how busy things get, no matter how much sleep I lose, I’m just so very happy to be able to wake up to this family and spend so many waking hours with them… at home.

Their Daddy In The Raw. 

6 Years & Then Some

So, this post is kind of an all in one combo post. Things got OUT OF HAND this month. I know, I know… it was supposed to be this catch up month with all of my prelaunch materials. Well, I made a rookie blogger mistake. Well, a pair of rookie blogger mistakes.

First, never slate out posts too far in advance. Many times, those posts just aren’t relevant by the time they arrive on deck for release. Second, catch up posts tend to be inherently out of date… it’s best just to do one big catch up post and move forward. Well… THIS, is my catch up all in one post.

A week ago, on March 20th, my wife and I celebrated our SIXTH wedding anniversary. Yeah. What happened?! 5th year seemed to be… yesterday, maybe? Maybe and possibly a week ago? But, an entire year?! Time flies when you’re married to someone awesome 🙂

It also dawned on me that not only have we been married for 6 years, Nathan has been with us for the better part of half of our years together. That’s a very special thing. And, it really made me appreciate how much of our parenthood is woven into the fabric of our marriage. You know what they say, Be sure you understand that who you marry will also be the parent of your child(ren).

Welps! Here are some highlights!

Nate got tired, and couldn’t even handle it…

And… I mean, REALLY couldn’t even…


Also, check out this BEAUTY of a view. The trains are out of commission right now as Disneyland is building out Star Wars Land. But, have no fear, the trains are parked strategically for guests to experience on board.


All together, it’s been amazing. I realized that year 5, quite literally, FLEW by. There’s been a lot that’s been happening. Emotionally, financially, mentally, physically, professionally, parentally, etc. It really struck me that, I need to step back and enjoy these precious moments. Otherwise, it may very well render how we got here meaningless when we forget WHY we started this journey to begin with.


PS. My wife totally got chased down by some lady who was INTENT on complimenting her for the message on her shirt. Well, I’ll say she is 😉

About Precious Moments

It’s easy to want kids to grow up fast.

ESPECIALLY, when they are toddlers. Yes, they are ridiculously cute at this stage. They are talking… and, talking back. They are walking… and, running away from you into dangerous traffic. They are eating… and, determined to paint the house with dinner. And, they LOVE the word “No!”

Take last night for example: Last night, we didn’t sleep… until it was already “tomorrow.” The time change screwed up our boy… and, it was a ROUGH night. It’s easy in times like this to just wish the kid would GROW UP!

Yet, I’d offer to say this is rather the wrong mindset.We need to ENJOY this little window time we have for precious moments… like these!

Nathan SMASHING his face into me… which he still does. And, I know one sad day… it’ll stop.


Or… Nathan getting so happy from playing his favorite game of knocking down blocks… he get’s sad.



He WAS angry. Then, became happy. #toddlerlife #lifewithatoddler #DaddyInTheRaw #DadBlog #dadblogger #workathomedad #stayathomedad #toddler

A photo posted by Ben Fung (aka @DrBenFung) (@daddyintheraw) on

I guess the point is this: Life only comes around once. And, you don’t get to rewind the tape and get that time back. Enjoy it! Enjoy (as best you can) those melt downs. Enjoy the emotional weirdness that is toddler life. These are precious moments.

These are the moments I quit an accelerated corporate career for. These are the moments I quit a $6-Figure job for. THESE are the moment I completely derailed the direction in my life… so, that I could be a better father.